A praise on starting La Galerie-Vibrant Art - a free service to help artists' get their works out there!
Here's a review from Dionne Ho on us starting La Galerie-Vibrant Art. She is a watercolour artist, who has a flair in realistic painting and a heart of gold.
She's sent us a beautiful piece up for sale and 20% of the proceeds will go to Big Cat Rescue!
Here's what she's sent us in an email on 10th Dec '14:-
"I’ve just found out about the new section that Vibrant Art is setting up, just as I finished my latest painting. I think it’s really great that Vibrant Art is providing this portal for
artists to get their work out there. Thank you!!
Review on Sennelier Watercolours
On 20th May '14, I posted a blog article titled " You Are Never Too Old To Start Painting". A week later, we were ecstatic to receive a lovely and sincere feedback from Dionne Ho,who did not look a day over 25 years old. I've posted her beautiful paintings which I am sure will inspire many beginners and newly minted artists.
Here's an extract from her email to Vibrant Art:-
Review on Isabey Petit Gris Squirrel Mop Brush - Series 6234

Message: Hi Vibrant-Art,
Thanks to VA team for providing a marvelous Isabey Petit Gris Squirrel Mop
brush (#2).
I have been using this since few months now and after testing it
comprehensively, writing a note of appreciation of the product and service by VA.
It hold ample water and dont anymore need a big flat brush to do initial big
washes. It also has that beautiful point which I can use very effectively in my paintings to paint foliage, masts, poles, perspective lines etc. So all in all its a wonderful brush to own
Thanks once again to the VA team.
Review received from artist, Sunday Painter, India on 13th Dec '13
Review on Sennelier Extra Soft Pastels

VA received a lovely sms feedback on Sennelier's extra soft pastels: " These soft pastels are wonderful!! It's a real pleasure to draw with, it's incredible..So good!!!"
Review received from artist, Floraine Maligner on 8th Nov '13